We’re huge fans of the Levitt Pavilion’s summer concert series. Levitt Pavilion Denver is a non-profit established with the purpose of building community through music. Their concert curators embrace the local, including the musicians, architects, staff, artists and sponsors. Located in Ruby Hill Park, the Levitt Pavilion is more than just music venue — it is a nexus for local non-profits and arts groups across the Rocky Mountain region.
Last month, they launched a new digital concert series, Levitt In Your Living Room, to keep us connected to Denver’s local music scene while continuing to build community through music. The series is streaming a mixture of live concerts and recordings of previous concerts at the Pavilion
Denver’s up-and-coming Denver band, Wildermiss, performs live on Levitt’s Facebook Page on Thursday, May 7th, at 6 pm MT.

We caught their live virtual concert a month or so ago and Emma Cole, lead singer, was beautiful to listen to — playing piano and singing from her living room while her bandmates answered our questions via the Instagram live feed.
Tune in on Thursday night at 6PM MST on Levitt’s Facebook Page to see what the members of Wildermiss have been up to over the past few weeks. Tattoos, haircuts, and new music.
From our home to yours, xxoo