“Bookstores always remind me that there are good things in this world.” ~Vincent Van Gogh

Denver has been blessed with the iconic independent bookstore, Tattered Cover, in our city since 1971. Despite the shift to digital formats, on any given weekend, you will find the four Tattered Cover stores filled with happy people perusing the bookshelves and sipping cappuccinos.

Another iconic literary gem is Stories on Stage, a 20 year old non-profit featuring live stage performances by Denver’s leading actors. These stories on stage are simple — no costumes, makeup or set designs — just the actor bringing a story to life in powerful ways. At the end of every performance there are milk and cookies waiting for you in the lobby. Just like Mom used to bake for you.
Both of these Denver institutions remind me there is so much goodness in our city, so I was thrilled to see them collaborate on “Tattered Cover Presents” — a brilliant stroke of creativity by Anthony Powell, Stories On Stage’s Artistic Director. Three stories; three actors pouring their talent and hearts into powerful moments on the Su Teatro stage.
They wrapped up with the three of them sharing stories of the crazy, often hysterically funny questions customers ask bookstore employees. A joyous way to wrap up another Stories On Stage experience (maybe slightly surpassed by the milk & cookies waiting for us in the Su Teatro lobby).
Hurry, there are only three performances before Stories On Stage takes a summer break:

Learn more about these Stories On Stage shows and hundreds of Art & Culture Events in Colorado on Towwn, the free mobile app for culture seekers.